Search Land Records

Access to Real Records over the internet.

In Faribault County the computerized index of real estate documents recorded beginning January 1, 1995 document images beginning September 15, 2003 are available.

Tapestry – for the occasional professional user. Tapestry is an internet access program designed for the occasional user working in a real estate related business. If you do not have a good real estate background, you are best advised to visit the office of the County Recorder and get assistance to locate your documents. If you do have a good real estate background, you will have no difficulty using Tapestry. Tapestry offers access to other counties in the Midwest. Fees are assessed to pay for support and maintenance of the system. If you are interested in searching the real estate records in the Faribault County Recorders Office, click here

Laredo – for the daily, professional user of land records. Laredo is an internet access program designed for title insurance firms and other real estate related firms needing access daily to land records in the Faribault County Recorder’s office. If your real estate related firm needs only occasional access, or if your computer expertise is limited please consider using Tapestry instead. Fees are assessed to pay for support and maintenance of the system. If you are interested in searching the real estate records in the Faribault County Recorder’s office on a daily basis please contact the County Recorder.

Disclaimer – This is a working index and may contain errors and omissions due to errors in the preparation of the original document or in the indexing. The indexes are double entry verified within 10 working days after being recorded. Effective date is the last recorded and verified date as shown on the bottom of the screen. Note: Effective date will fluctuate with the volume of documents recorded.

For an online demonstration and details please click here.